Cool and Comfortable Clothing Great Selection of Summer Clothing for Work and Play All Sizes - Shorts, Regulars, Big and Tall Everything from dress to casual to work clothes Lots of American-Made Merchandise FREE In-House Tailoring VLASTNIK'S MENSWEAR Rt. 6, Downtown Peru Open Mon.- Sat. 9-5, closed Thursdays SM-LA2176431 815-223-0695 Cool and Comfortable Clothing Great Selection of Summer Clothing for Work and Play All Sizes - Shorts , Regulars , Big and Tall Everything from dress to casual to work clothes Lots of American - Made Merchandise FREE In - House Tailoring VLASTNIK'S MENSWEAR Rt . 6 , Downtown Peru Open Mon.- Sat. 9-5 , closed Thursdays SM - LA2176431 815-223-0695