IVCU Illinois Valley Credit Union You are who we are! Illinois Valley Credit Union is dedicated to building lifelong relationships with members while providing excellent personalized service. We offer quality financial products at lower costs while striving to create a wow moment with every interaction. Some of Our Basic Services Mobile Banking Remote Deposit Pre-Paid Debit Card Check Debit Card Direct Deposit Payroll Deduction Virtual Branch Bill Pay (No Charge) e-Statements Not For Member-Owned. Profit. No We Work For Personal Attention Stockholders You. Peru 1311 Shooting Park Road Peru, IL 61354 815-224-2667 Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government NCUA National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency LENDER Princeton 200 Ace Road Princeton, IL 61356 815-875-3400 IVCU Illinois Valley Credit Union You are who we are ! Illinois Valley Credit Union is dedicated to building lifelong relationships with members while providing excellent personalized service . We offer quality financial products at lower costs while striving to create a wow moment with every interaction . Some of Our Basic Services Mobile Banking Remote Deposit Pre - Paid Debit Card Check Debit Card Direct Deposit Payroll Deduction Virtual Branch Bill Pay ( No Charge ) e - Statements Not For Member - Owned . Profit . No We Work For Personal Attention Stockholders You . Peru 1311 Shooting Park Road Peru , IL 61354 815-224-2667 Your savings federally insured to at least $ 250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government NCUA National Credit Union Administration , a U.S. Government Agency LENDER Princeton 200 Ace Road Princeton , IL 61356 815-875-3400