
We want our customers to have the best possible banking experience whether you are banking in person, online or using our mobile app. Our team combines years of experience to deliver a full range of personal, business and investment* products and services. Peru Federal Savings Bank team members use the products and services we offer our customers. We value our customers and believe that banking is about “Making Connections”. We demonstrate our commitment to our customers and the entire Illinois Valley communities we serve through personal attention and genuine concern for the financial welfare and security of our customers. We have been serving the Illinois Valley since 1887. Local employees. Local Board of Directors. Local Decisions. We all live in and volunteer in the communities we serve. We are a mutual savings bank meaning that we are owned by our depositors. We are a lending hand to individuals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. We support our local communities through financial contributions along with active participation of local boards and volunteerism. We are here to answer everyday questions and continue to provide the latest technology that makes your banking experience more convenient.

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