CD/IRA SPECIAL 4.25% APY* FOR 13 MONTHS OPEN YOURS TODAY! NUMARK CREDIT UNION NUMARKCU.ORG | 815-729-3211 OVERAL *Annual Percentage Yield effective as of 11/01/2024. Subject to change without notice. Limited time offer. $1,000 minimum. Interest will be forfeited if the account is closed before the accrued interest is posted. APY also applies to Traditional and ROTH IRA certificates. Maximum determined by IRA regulations. Deposits are not limited for IRA rollovers. Open to qualified depositors. Federally insured by NCUA. This is a great rate, so maybe it's time to consolidate some accounts and bring them over to NuMark. Federally Insured by NCUA NUMARK CREDIT UNION NUMARKCU.ORG CD / IRA SPECIAL 4.25 % APY * FOR 13 MONTHS OPEN YOURS TODAY ! NUMARK CREDIT UNION NUMARKCU.ORG | 815-729-3211 OVERAL * Annual Percentage Yield effective as of 11/01/2024 . Subject to change without notice . Limited time offer . $ 1,000 minimum . Interest will be forfeited if the account is closed before the accrued interest is posted . APY also applies to Traditional and ROTH IRA certificates . Maximum determined by IRA regulations . Deposits are not limited for IRA rollovers . Open to qualified depositors . Federally insured by NCUA . This is a great rate , so maybe it's time to consolidate some accounts and bring them over to NuMark . Federally Insured by NCUA NUMARK CREDIT UNION NUMARKCU.ORG